Critical to any successful project delivery is design. At LEO3 we carry out detailed designs of integrated telecom and security systems based upon client information, requirements, site surveys and technical experience. All designs are submitted to clients for approval prior to commencing delivery.

Pre-Configuration and Staging
After designs have been approved by the client the LEO3 team will procure, pre-configure and stage the solution at our pre-staging facility in Coventry. In Coventry the equipment is pre-configured to the client needs and performs as per the design specification. At this stage we welcome clients to visit our facility and carry out inspections and tesitng if required.

Site Installation
Prior to carrying out any site installations the LEO3 team will provide clients with Risk Assessments and Method Statements in line with our ISO9001 and ISO45001 standards. Systems will be delivered under the supervision of the LEO3 Project Manager and Site Supervisor to ensure a safe delivery environment.

Commissioning and Entry into Service
When delivering integrated solutions LEO3 understands that the final commissioning stage and integration with existing systems is critical. During the detailed design stage we will produce a strategy for integration including risk mitigation and rollback processes. The LEO3 team will lead site activities to ensure a successful transition to any new system.
Project Delivery
LEO3 are at the forefront of designing and delivering complex technical solutions for clients all around the world. Our expertise in understanding requirements and project constraints coupled with our technical knowledge and partnerships enables LEO3 to deliver world class solutions.